To blog or not to blog, that is the question:
Whether 'tis truer to existence of man
To sacrifice individuality for the sake of belonging,
Or to bear arms against a sea of cyberspace,
And by opposing, gain self? Defy to write,
Once more; or for to write to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand unnatural shocks
That technology imparts, 'tis an assumption
Devoutly to be sought. Defy to write;
To write: perchance to live: ay, there's the dream;
For in the written word what life may come
When we have recorded borrowed thoughts,
To give us pains: there's the regret
That makes calamity of so long reflection;
For who would choose the shadows on the wall,
The super flat world, the desert of the real,
Transcendental idealism, the mirror stage,
The simulacrum of truth and the signs
That sacrifice of the physical makes,
When he himself might his identity take
With a blank leaflet? Who would philosophies bear,
To grunt and sweat over weary lines,
But that the dread of something after self,
The undiscovered country from whose confines
No dreamer returns, puzzles the truth
And makes us rather bear those symbols we have
Than fly to Other that we know not of?
Thus self-consciousness makes cowards of us all;
And thus the native view of ontology
Is transfixed with the collapse of civilization,
And simulations of great existence
With this regard their individuality turns away,
And lose the words of action. - Soft you now!
The fragile Absolute! Noumenon, in thy script
Be all my being remembered.
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